Special Tiger Protection Force (STPF)

The Nawegaon Nagzira Tiger Reserve (NNTR) has a Special Tiger Protection Force (STPF) dedicated to patrolling and protecting the wildlife from human encroachments and illegal activities. This force plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the reserve's ecosystem.

Deployment: The STPF at NNTR consists of over 100 guards. All guards are strategically stationed at three ideal points: Nawegaon Bandh, Kosamtondi, and Wadegaon. These points are chosen to ensure effective coverage of the entire NNTR landscape.

Activities and Duties:

Wildlife Protection: The primary goal is to protect and conserve wildlife within the reserve.

Patrolling: STPF guards conduct regular patrols across various regions of the reserve. This includes daily patrols around waterholes and water bodies, which are critical areas for wildlife.

Combing Operations: In the buffer areas of NNTR, guards perform combing operations to control and prevent illegal activities.

Illegal Activities Prevention: The force actively works to stop all forms of illegal activities, such as poaching and unauthorized resource extraction.

Awareness Drives: The STPF also engages in awareness drives in the buffer villages, educating the local communities on human-wildlife conflict mitigation strategies and wildlife conservation.

Strategic Importance:

By maintaining a robust presence and actively engaging with local communities, the STPF at NNTR plays a vital role in the conservation efforts of the tiger reserve. Their efforts not only safeguard the wildlife but also foster a harmonious relationship between the reserve and the surrounding human settlements.